5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Professional Brand Design

5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Professional Brand Design

Why should you invest in a professional brand design, over doing it yourself?

Starting a new business or taking your existing business to the next level is an exciting time! Turning your dream into a reality often means that you want to be the cornerstone of every decision - but that doesn’t mean that you need to DIY every aspect of your new venture. Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in a professional brand design.

  1. Separate yourself from your brand ideas.

    As the business owner, you may be personally attached to ideas. Have a favourite font or colour? You may find yourself treating your brand visuals like an extension of yourself rather than an expression of your brand’s core values. Having a brand designer will ensure that there is an unbiased approach to the designs.

  2. See how your designs will look in real life.

    Ever thought you’ve come up with the greatest logo design, only to get business cards printed and realise they look nothing like you imaged they would? Working alongside a professional designer allows you to see your designs mocked up in real life applications before you finalise anything.

  3. Think long term.

    Have you ever created an instagram page only to change your theme every other month? Have an email signature that has a different logo to your website? Have a business card that no longer resonates with what products you sell or services you offer? Creating assets on the fly often mean that you end up recreating assets multiple times because they weren’t created for the long run. Taking the time to create a brand design based around your core values lasts longer and leaves a lasting impression on existing and potential clients.

  4. See the bigger picture.

    Often the biggest thing people stress over is the logo of a new business. Then, once they have that asset, they paste it online and slap it on a business card and call it a day. A brand designer will ensure your business is setup with not just a single logo design, but a full brand design; logo, colours, photography, illustrations, tone of voice. There’s so much more to a brand than a logo alone.

  5. Investing in your business is exactly that, an investment.

    Working alongside a professional, produces professional results. A DIY project may get you a nice result, however, working alongside someone who has studied and practiced design will produce an educated and strategic result.

Alex Rose